Monday, March 28, 2011

Horrifying Sandstorm attacks Kuwait on March 25, 2011

      A massive blinding sandstorm had hit Kuwait before yesterday! It was an unexpected sandstorm that forced the international airport to shut-down. While drivers had to slow-down or stop as the sand turned skies into an orange brown, enveloping the whole city.
 If you haven’t seen a sandstorm, then you should consider yourself really lucky. I was looking at the videos; it’s like something right out of a movie with dark cloud hovering over the city. It looks so scary; I have never seen anything like that there before. I’ve experienced sandstorms when I lived in Kuwait, but nothing like this.
      As I saw the videos, the first thing I did is picked up the phone and called my parents in Kuwait and checked on them , they told me they were on their way to somewhere , where they only had 5 more minutes to get to their destination . They suddenly saw the air filled with sand, that made it very difficult to drive on the near-zero visibility roads. Their 5 minute driving distance, had turned to 3 hours, so you can only imagine how difficult and dangerous is to drive where you could not seen anything. The storm went on for several hours. Besides the disruptive air /road travel, and the blinding dust, sandstorms can cause major respiratory problem for children, the sick and the old. Not to mention damage of the overall area and plants. Hope nothing major happened to anyone in Kuwait during this horrible sandstorm disaster.

1 comment:

  1. This took over 5 hours to completely pass over us. Total darkness for close to 3 hours.
