Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Apple's iPhone 5 Rumor Updates !

As we all know that iPhone 5 is going to be released this June. But according to the yahoo news and the rumors floating around, that apple is going to delay its release to sometime this fall or even 2011 . I honestly don't know if that's a good move by apple . It might be good news for the Verizon people, because the just got hold of their new iPhone 4. They would be really disappointed if the iPhone 5 comes out after few months from the time that they just received the iPhone 4 . Also the iPhone 5 probably has some technical issues to work out. So them holding it out for the reason that they can sell iPhone 4 without loosing there investment in the phone that just recently came out. Since the cat is out of the bag, the customers probably will holdout and still will hold out for the new phone. So either way it will be in their best interest to bring out the new phone bug free. On the other hand this decision could harm apple in my opinion. I think if iPhone 5 doesn't announce its release date soon , they will face a huge competition this year from the booming Android phones and especially the Samsung Galaxy.

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