Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Power Outage Caused by a Rat !

According to Fox News, the power went out in Arizona State University's Tempe campus. because of some rat that ran across some power supplies that burned out switches in a campus substation. On April 11th many classes were canceled, some students were stuck in elevators and fireman had to carry a 350 pound graduate student and his wheelchair up the stairs of the university, after the student had to waited for approximately three and half hours for the elevator to work.
This is some strange story. Who thought that there would ever be a power outage of campus buildings, because of a rat! It's crazy how everything is interconnected. we really do live in a system nature, and that is exactly why this power outage occurred in the first place; this is exactly what we call "butterfly effect". Everything is systematized in this world. Chaos should be expected at anytime, because evidently if one tiny change or event at one place in a complex system van have large effects elsewhere or even result in significantly different outcome. 

Here is a video link from the Fox News :- http://video.foxnews.com/v/4639947/rat-causes-power-outage-at-arizona-state-university/

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