Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cake Balls Are The Newer Dessert Gaining in Popularity

A friend of mine Nicole is a UCLA graduate with bachelors degree in Communication who recently discovered her passion in baking . She bakes cake balls and cake pops in a variety of flavors and a whole lot of personality! 
Her cake balls are to die for . If you think you have had the best cake balls at some place , then you should definitely try hers and see how your top list dessert place will change. 

Here are few pictures of the most delicious  Home-made cake balls ! 
Haute Cakes are more than just a bite-sized dessert. In truth, they are personalities that come to life with every bite you take. Wether you're feeling classy, sassy, or maybe even a little bossy, only a Hauttie will satisfy the real you. 

 Mocha Cake Balls , this is my personal favourite one  ! Its made by her original chocolate cake with a touch of coffee. Her homemade chocolate cake has more texture and flavor than a typical boxed mix. Its dense, fudgy and incredibly moist, which is a perfect beginning for these chocolaty treats. 

Look into her website and try the most delicious cake ever which will become any chocoholic's dream ! :-