Saturday, April 30, 2011

The iPhone White is Here !

The iPhone 4 , white version is finally out after 10 months of delay. It turns out that it's not only late, but also thicker than the black iPhone. I don't know why it took such a long time to release the white one, and I honestly find it to be useless to be release at this time, because everyone would want to wait for the iPhone 5 to be released, which is supposed to be within the next few months. Its very weird that apple website doesn't say anything about the size difference. I found out that there is a difference through Ryan Cash's blog site (, who posted comparison shots of the two models. He didn't measure the devices, but the difference is noticeable with the naked eye.I have no idea why Apple does not mention nor explain the reason for the thickness of the white phone, i hope they do so soon. So for now, for all those who are interested in the white iPhone and wont  use a case for their white iPhone 4 should have no problems with the extra thickness, but if you plan on buying a case for your shiny new white iPhone 4, it would be best to check if it fits first.


  1. Very insightful information :)

  2. I am glad you found this information insightful ! :)
