Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Limited Edition Gucci Bracelet for Japan Relief

<< Gucci Loves You >>
Gucci has created a limited edition bracelet to help support the relief efforts in earthquake and tsunami ravaged Japan. The Gucci bracelet is white and red web, which brings to mind the colors of the Japanese flag. The bracelet has a medallion that read "Gucci Loves You." Gucci and its sibling brands in the PPR Luxury Group have collected 2 million dollars in donation for the Red Cross since Japans earthquake and tsunami. The bracelet is priced for $100 each, in which the company has pledged 100% of proceeds from the sales of this bracelet towards the Japanese Red Cross Society in supports of the victims of the earthquakes and tsunamis that pummeled Japan in recent months. 
((After all,  who wouldn't buy a $100  bracelet for a noble cause? With this bracelet you can be in style and in the same-time contribute to the earthquake relief efforts in Japan.))

Click away :-

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